Good Intentions on the Road to Hell

Lord, it was November when I wrote last on here. I tend to forget about this blog. Facebook, Instagram, life ----- I wonder if many others who have been on Blogger a long time also forget about their blogs? I'll bet they do. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have so many good intentions. So I am on my way there apparently!
The handsome black cat that visited us beginning last fall is now deceased. In early February he was attacked and wounded by an unidentified animal. It may have been another cat or it may have been a raccoon or something large enough to injure him. He was a pretty large cat. But young. The illness tends to affect young cats. According to the vet tech who saw him in April, he was maybe a year and a half old.
Long story short, he was diagnosed in April with FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis. A terminal illness that is not contagious to other cats or to humans. It is caused by a mutation in a common virus that affects many cats. Before the mutation occurs it is no big deal. But the mutation makes it a terminal illness. There is a medication that is used by some to fight it with some success but the use of that medication for that purpose is not legal. So people buy it on the black market. The treatment takes 84 days. It is most effective if the treatment is started early.
It involves giving injections of the black market drug and the injections are said to be painful. He was not my cat. I was not willing to go through that. I was heartbroken. He was dying. I chose to have him euthanized rather than let him continue to suffer. That was the most I have cried in a very long time. He was a very sweet cat.


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