It's Official! As of May 1, 2008 I am a Past President!

I've been a Past President of the LCAA for nine days now. The one difference it makes is that I feel less weight of responsibility on my shoulders. The last week has been too busy still with work for the LCAA. I am not at that point yet where I can call as much of my time my own as I'd like. I'll continue to be doing lots of work for the LCAA but not as much as I have for the last four years. The major decisions now are up to the new President and the board. I am still on the board.

Almost every day I've been checking the statistics for the Squidoo lenses I created last week. The only visitors that the LCAA lens has had yet were LCAA members to whom I emailed a link. That is disappointing that there aren't more visitors. There have been no visitors at all to the Squidoo lens I made for our ebay store. Thus I went to work on making the lenses more likely to attract visitors. I added keywords to both. Perhaps that will make a difference. These Squidoo lenses are works in progress.

I've felt exhausted lately. More exhausted than I think I should feel. Perhaps my thyroid medication needs adjusting? I see the endocrinologist in early June.

I am looking forward to getting back to working on my own art. I have been missing it.

Another slight stumbling block is that I feel torn between the old means of creating images with film and the new widely accepted digital technology. I love the convenience of digital cameras but still prefer the characteristics of images created with film. To get the quality that I want in an image without going to great expense, I would love to continue to use film but the realities and the positive attributes (convenience, instant gratification, printmaking capabilities) of the current technology make digital means of image creation to be too seductive to ignore.




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