Mother's Day: A work in progress.

I began the day with a chocolate muffin. Costco sells good chocolate muffins! A chocolate muffin, a grape juice and a Zimbabwe coffee. A good start! Hitting the major food groups: chocolate, Vitamin C, and caffeine!

Then I went to my well worn chair in front of the computer and checked on the discussion groups which I participate in. I wished my friends a Happy Mother's Day No Matter What Day. Then I went to where I looked at the stats for the lenses I created. Still not much traffic. I went to their discussion forums to look for suggestions. While there I introduced myself in the thread for new members and also wrote a post asking for a critique in the forum for Critiques. Subsequently a "Squidoo Angel" responded and gave me a "Squidoo Angel Blessing" on the Guest Book of the Lancaster County Art Association Squidoo Page. A delightful surprise! While I don't yet see traffic, I was pleased to get a pat on the back from a Squidoo Angel! Yea!

I had thought of working on some new images today but the way that the day is going, I don't know if I'll get to that. I will bring my camera when I go out and maybe I will create something then. We are going to see the movie, "The Band's Visit," later today. The link that I provided is to a review that intrigued me enough that I want to see it. Watching movies is one of my hobbies. I love good movies.

At the LCAA's Annual Meeting on May 1, artist Andy Smith was the featured speaker. His topic was about his participating in "A Painting A Day." It is about marketing and inspiration and attitude. Listening to Andy inspired me to get back to writing in my blog, something I've neglected for months. I am thinking that "A Photograph A Day," might be a good idea for me. Like my NonDaily Pic but a Daily Pic! Perhaps making an image a day would be a way for me to get some self discipline in my life as far as my art goes.

Also today I'll be doing some work on our ebay listings. We're working on 75 listings of tobacco cards. I did forty scans of them on Saturday and Jimmy is currently working on the descriptions and the listings. I need to scan the rest of them this afternoon.

Now that I have more time, you will see more of my writing online about myself and my projects than you've seen in the last four years. I now have the time to get back to my own projects.


Ginny's Links:
Virginia Caputo Photography
Ginny & Jim's Squidoo eBay Store Page
Ginny & Jim's eBay Store: Imajgin Antiques Photography Books
The Lancaster County Art Association
The LCAA's Squidoo Page


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